Ministry training


Ministry, OLM and Readership training

HTC is an official training provider for the Associated Presbyterian Churches, the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church of Scotland. Our student body is not restricted to these denominations and many ministers and lay readers from other denominations (including Baptist, Congregational, Free Church and PCI) have undertaken study with us, on-campus or by distance learning. Candidates training for Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Ordained Local Ministry (OLM) or Lay Readership should contact the denomination as well as the HTC Registry Officer for advice regarding academic requirements.

Contact Associated Presbyterian Churches

The Church of Scotland Ministries Council runs an enquiry process for those who sense a call to any of the ministries in the Church of Scotland. The academic requirements are:

United Free Church of Scotland candidates should contact the UF Ministry Committee for further information.

"At a recent meeting with the presbytery convenor I was asked why I had chosen HTC instead of another training provider.  I have been drawn to HTC for some time but now that I am a student it was easy to answer: I enjoy being part of a community that is not just an academic community, but a worshipping community.  To work constituted by collective prayer and in such a helpful and friendly environment is a real joy.  It is truly a privilege to be part of HTC."